Amateur Radio in Australia (VKFAQ)

Operating an amateur radio station

Icom IC7800

Icom's flagship HF/6m radio transceiver. 200w on all HF bands and dual receivers, DSP filtering, voice recorder, band scope etc. See Icom's Australian website for further details

Frequently asked questions about... operating an amateur radio station

Basic information on operating an amateur station is available from the amateur section of the Australian Communications and Media Authority website. To contact other people, amateurs may issue a general call (CQ) with the hope of getting a response, call another station who they suspect may be listening, respond to another amateur's CQ call, or 'tail-end' a contact that has just concluded by calling one of the stations heard.

But there's more to it than that. Beyond the formal rules specified by ACMA there are informal rules and conventions. Also practices vary according to the mode and band in use. A good way to find out how to do things is to listen a lot, to find out what kinds of techniques are used, then use a judicious mixture of the legal ones!

Further information on specific modes, techniques and special interests is provided in separate pages. Read on...

Modes used Bands and techniques Operating interests Other interests
Single Sideband Low frequency operation DX hunting Homebrewing
Morse code HF Digital Modes Contests Portable operation
AM operation VHF/UHF digital modes Sarex Mobile operation
Low power or QRP FM and repeaters Public Service Fox hunting
Slow scan television Automatic position reporting system WICEN Internet Repeater Linking
Television VHF/UHF DX Awards  
Packet Radio Microwave Bands SOTA  


Next: Single Sideband

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